BIKAS is a Belgian NPO that works with honest and committed volunteers to support small-scale development projects in NEPAL.
We carry out these responsible and sustainable projects discreetly, together with local communities and with respect for the local culture. We stand in solidarity with those most in need. We strive for the most efficient use of resources and implement transparent communication with interested people, sponsors and government concerning our projects, the way we work, and our fundraising activities. We also subject our projects to interim analyzes and evaluations.
BIKAS is more than the sum of the individual projects. Wherever possible, we work together or complement each other. Cooperation with other partners or international partners is also possible. We consider the exchange of knowledge and experience, both inside and outside the organization, as a key to success.
Through our projects we try to realize the 17 sustainable development objectives of the United Nations.

1. BIKAS wants to realize small projects for people from disadvantaged groups, preferably from remote areas. The projects are supported by local people and aim to promote the welfare of the community. The Board of Directors decides which projects will be supported and defines the framework within which a project should be implemented. Our projects are of limited duration. After the realization of a project, we transfer the management and responsibility to the local community who will then be responsible for further follow-up and maintenance. BIKAS chooses not to support personalized sponsorship and does not organize volunteer work or internships. If our project leaders or sympathizers visit a project, they bear the costs themselves.
2. Fundraising is needed to fund our projects. Fundraising happens mainly via individual donations and initiatives of sympathizers, schools, businesses and associations, but also through sponsorship, legacies and grants on a municipal, regional and federal level. BIKAS issues tax certificates for deposits (cumulative) and follows the guidelines of the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. ( See [NL] Website FOD Financien or [FR] Website SPF Finances )
3. In the context of the North-South movement we want to be a bridge between Belgium and Nepal by raising awareness. We do this through our quarterly magazine , the website ( and through our own publications. We encourage sustainable tourism, provide information through educational institutions, associations and the Belgian media, and organise numerous events and activities.